General Information




Poster sessions provide an option for practicing physicians, pharmacists, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners to share results of research, best practices, and outcomes with colleagues. Submissions are not restricted to Florida residents. The sessions are visual presentations using diagrams, charts, and figures. Poster presentations may be on any aspect of the following categories in any long-term care setting: clinical care, pharmacology of medicine, medical education, history of medicine, medical direction, medical care delivery, medical ethics, economics of medicine, and pediatric long-term care.

Poster abstract proposals submitted to the FMDA office by September 20, 2014 should be complete and follow the Criteria for Acceptance of Posters (available online) to be considered. All submissions will be reviewed based on the content contained within the proposal.

Submission of a proposal is a commitment by at least one author to be present at the designated times to discuss the information in the poster with symposium participants. The primary presenter listed on the proposal will be informed of its status no later than October 4, 2014. Guidelines for presentation and preparation of visual material will be sent to the primary presenter upon acceptance.

Authors whose abstracts are accepted for presentation may have abstracts published in FMDA’s Progress Report newsletter. Authors whose abstracts are accepted for presentation at the conference will have their abstracts submitted for publication in the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA).

All poster abstracts submitted for the annual program become the property of FMDA and may be reproduced in FMDA publications exactly as submitted on the form. It is the author’s responsibility to submit abstracts in perfect order with no errors in spelling or grammar. Abstracts will not be retyped or corrected. The Program Committee will reject without consideration abstracts not received in the proper format. The authors agree that FMDA may publish the abstracts in Progress Report and that materials may be provided to conference participants, captured and produced on CD-ROM, videotaped or recorded by other electronic means.

The first 10 poster presentation applicants who are accepted by the committee (including those relating to the Careers in LTC Awards program) will receive complimentary registration to the 2014 Annual Program (only one applicant per poster presentation will be considered).

Policies for Participation

Submission: All abstracts must be submitted electronically via the submission forms online here. Submissions are not considered complete until all required forms from all authors have been received. All submissions that are complete and follow the Criteria for Acceptance of Posters will be considered and reviewed based on the content contained within the proposal.

Set-up: The primary presenter listed on the proposal will be informed of its status as soon as it is known. Guidelines for presentation and preparation of visual material will be sent to the primary presenter upon acceptance. One poster board will be assigned for each accepted poster abstract. No audiovisual equipment will be provided for posters. 

Reimbursement: Presenters of accepted posters are expected to make their own travel arrangements and pay their own expenses. In accord with ACCME and FMDA policies, it is inappropriate for presenters to seek funding from alliances with industry in support of expenses to attend the symposium. 

Qualifications: Poster presenters on-site must be one of the professional authors involved in the research and/or content development and must be present at the session at the times designated for participants to interact with presenters. 

Handouts: If a presenter will provide handout materials at the poster, such materials must be free of any industry logos and must provide disclosure if any portion of the content is derived from industry-supported research or if content is derived from a request made by you to industry for information.


"Best Care Practices in the Geriatrics Continuum 2014"
is the annual conference which is joint-sponsored by the
Florida Medical Directors Association and
the American Medical Directors Association.