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Benefits of Membership
- Award-winning statewide newsletter
- Association website Nationally-recognized annual conference titled Best Care Practices in the Post-Acute & Long-Term Care Continuum
- Dedicated website for annual conference
- Annual update on Medicare billing
- Annual update on Medicare comparative performance reports for physicians practicing post-acute care
- Discounted member registration fee for Annual Conference
- Convenient, on-line Annual Conference registration
- Listing as expert witness, on request
- Assistance in earning AMDA's medical director certification
- Networking with other medical directors statewide
- Networking and partnering with the other post-acute trade and professional associations
- Advocacy in Tallahassee on behalf of the members of FMDA
- Advocacy at AMDA’s House of Delegates
Classes of Membership
There are multiple classes of membership in the Association: general membership, student, retired, lifetime, and affiliate. All members of this organization will be encouraged to be members of the national association, AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.
- General: Membership in FMDA may be granted to any physician who holds the position of medical director, or a physician, advanced practice nurse, physician assistant, or pharmacist who has an interest in or who provides clinical services in full or in part in PA/LTC. Members in this classification shall be entitled to a vote and the eligibility to be a member of the Board of Directors.
- Retired: Includes physicians, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, or pharmacists who are fully retired.
- Lifetime: Includes physicians, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, or pharmacists who continue to work and are not retired.
- Organizational Affiliates: Are organizations in the medical, regulatory, or political fields of PA/LTC wishing to promote the affairs of FMDA. They include vendors, other professionals, and organizations.
- Honorary Members: Can be proposed by any FMDA member and can be admitted by a vote of the Board of Directors during an annual meeting or by the executive committee at any time. Honorary members shall not be eligible to vote or hold office.
- Students: Student membership is available to physicians-in-training, including interns, residents, fellows, and students enrolled in or on leave of absence from any LCME- or AOA-accredited or provisionally accredited North American allopathic or osteopathic training program. This category is also available to all American and foreign students who are in training at foreign medical institutions listed in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED) of the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG). It is also open to premedical students and any person engaged in graduate medical education in the U.S. Student members shall have all FMDA privileges except they shall not be eligible to vote or hold office. Other students included are advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, pharmacists, nurses, and nursing home administrators.

Join FMDA!
The only organization in the state of Florida devoted to inter-professional practitioners in all specialties practicing in skilled nursing units through subacute, hospice, home care, traditional long-term care, and hospital-based care.
Library of Sepsis-Related Resources
We created a library of Sepsis-Related Resources ranging from published journal articles and reports, PowerPoint presentations, sepsis tools, and Sepsis Summit PowerPoint Presentations.
Volunteer on a Committee
If you are interesting in joining a committee, for a 1-year term, click here to complete this form.