Past Town Meetings
On February 25 FMDA hosted an exciting Town Meeting in conjunction with The Art of Successful Aging: 9th Annual Interprofessional Geriatrics Training Institute, February 25-26, 2016 at Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine; Florida Coastal Geriatric Resources, Education, and Training Center. FMDA led a discussion on how to navigate current challenges facing practitioners in the post-acute and long-term care continuum. Sunovion Pharmaceuticals sponsored the town dinner program with speaker Dr. Erasmo Passaro presenting on the drug Aptiom*.
On April 24 FMDA hosted an event that began with a welcome reception followed by a town meeting and dinner program. The event took place at the DoubleTree Orlando Downtown and featured guest speaker Gregory Chaires, Esq. who spoke about EHRs and how important correct documentation is to a physicians practice.
On August 28, FMDA and FSU College of Medicine, Department of Geriatrics held the first annual, Advances in Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Symposium. This day-long seminar featured a number of quality topics related to post-acute and long-term care medicine, both clinical and regulatory. The seminar was followed by a town luncheon and FMDA Board meetings.
On March 21 FMDA hosted an exciting event which began with a cocktail reception with vendor displays followed by a Town Meeting and dinner program sponsored by Avanir Pharmaceuticals. The program was held at the Shores Resort in Daytona Beach Shores. An interactive panel of experts discussed Pseudobulbar Affect (PBA) in Nursing Home Patients. The event was preceded by a CME-Education Committee and Board Meeting earlier in the day.
On August 22 FMDA hosted a Town Meeting and dinner program which began with a cocktail reception with vendor displays followed by a sponsored by The Presser Law Firm. The program was held at Maggiano’s Little Italy in Boca Raton. Hiller Presser, Esq. discussed asset and lawsuit protection for the busy practitioner. The event was preceded by a CME-Education Committee and Board Meeting earlier in the day.
On February 22 FMDA hosted an exciting event which began with a cocktail reception with vendor displays sponsored by VITAS Innovative Hospice Care, followed by the Town Meeting and dinner program sponsored by VITAS Innovative Hospice Care. The location of the town meeting was at the Renaissance Plantation Hotel in Plantation. An interactive panel of experts led a discussion about current challenges facing skilled nursing facilities in Florida.
On June 29 FMDA held a town meeting reception and dinner program at Safety Harbor Resort & Spa in Safety Harbor. The dinner program was sponsored by Avanir Pharmaceuticals, with speaker Dr. Chris Chappel presenting on the topic of Pseudobulbar Affect. The town meeting was preceded by CME-Education committee and Board meetings held earlier in the day.
Our first Town Meeting & Dinner of 2012 was held in Palm Beach Gardens on Jan. 14 and it was sponsored by Lundbeck. Our guest facilitator, Gilda Osborn, a former DON, and now a SNF administrator, did a great job discussing how her facility is coping with reimbursement cuts. The Town Meeting was followed by the CME/Education Committee and Board meetings the next morning.
On June 9 FMDA hosted an event at the Renaissance Tampa International Plaza Hotel. The event began with a cocktail reception with vendor displays sponsored by BAYADA Home HealthCare and ended with a dinner program sponsored by Lundbeck. Special guest Patches B. Bryan, RN, BSN, CDONA/LTC; Chief Executive Clinical Officer, Greystone Healthcare Management Company facilitated a discussion about current challenges facing skilled nursing facilities in Florida. Afterwards a CME-Education Committee and Board Meeting took place.
Here is a brief recap of the major FMDA events that have occurred in the past year: We hosted our first Town Meeting of 2011 on Feb. 5, in Gainesville. The dinner program sponsor was Boehringer Ingelheim and there were seven exhibitors and 50 guests in attendance. We held a 3.0 hour CME program titled, Long-Term Care Risk-Management Symposium on Falls, Accidents, & Wound Assessments which was joint-sponsored by FMDA and AMDA on July 9-10 in Jacksonville. This was followed by a Town Meeting and Dinner sponsored by Avanir where we had eight exhibitors and 30 dinner guests. The following morning, we hosted a CME/Education Committee and FMDA Board Meeting. FMDA celebrated its 20th Anniversary during Best Care Practices in the Post-Acute & Long-Term Care Continuum 2011, which was held at the beautiful Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort; there were 289 attendees.
Town Meeting and Dinner in Lake Worth, FL & Safety Harbor, FL were very successful.
We hosted our first Town Meeting in Tallahassee. The Town Meeting Dinner was sponsored by Abbott Laboratories held in Pensacola for the very first time. In June, we held another Town Meeting in Lake Worth and the dinner was sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. The Town Meeting dinner was sponsored by Abbott Laboratories along with meeting co-sponsor American Health Associates, an independent laboratory servicing private physician's offices as well as nursing facilities.
FMDA Hosts Town Meeting in Fort Lauderdale
Another successful FMDA Town Meeting & Dinner was held in Fort Lauderdale on June 6, 2008.
The Town Meeting dinner was generously sponsored by Eli Lilly with Jacob McDowell as our host. The guest speaker was Dr. Amita Patel from Dayton, Ohio, who delivered an informative presentation on depression in long-term care residents.
Earlier in the day, the CME/Education Committee met for several hours to finalize plans for this year's annual symposium. The Board of Directors then met for a regular business meeting.
Before we kicked off our Town Meeting, we attended the Welcome Reception for Nova Southeastern University's (NSU) Interdisciplinary Geriatrics Symposium: Closing the Gap in Elder Care, which was held on the university's nearby campus.
Pensacola Hosts FMDA Town Meeting
Another FMDA Town Meeting was held in Pensacola on January 19, 2007. There were almost 40 attendees present to hear Dana Saffel, PharmD, discuss F-Tag 329 and its implications in long-term care.
F-Tag 329 deals with unnecessary drugs. Specifically, this tag involves excessive doses, excessive duration, adequate indications, adequate monitoring and adverse consequences. Dr. Saffel's presentation was very informative and was just an example of the education and services F.M.DA brings to its members across the state.
The Town Meeting dinner was sponsored by Abbott Laboratories along with meeting co-sponsor American Health Associates, an independent laboratory servicing private physician's offices as well as nursing facilities.
Earlier in the day, the CME/Education Committee met for several hours developing this year's annual symposium. The Board of Directors met after that for a regular business meeting.
FMDA held a Town Meeting & Dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steak House on June 17, 2005 in Jacksonville. This was held with the generous support of Bonnie Lopiccolo with AstraZeneca. Shown above (from left to right): FMDA President Dr. Victor Gambone, FL-ASCP, President-Elect Dr. Toni Harrison and FMDA Vice President Dr. Carl Suchar
FMDA Hosts Mid-Year CME Program and Town Meeting in Saint Petersburg
FMDA hosted its first mid-year CME program titled, “Strategies for Successful Medical Direction in Long-Term Care,” on June 4. Presented jointly by FMDA and AMDA, and supported by Evercare, more than 35 physicians, nurse practitioners and nurses heard from Dr. Howard Tuch on “The Role of Medical Directors in Developing Best Care Practices” and health care attorney Karen Goldsmith with, “A Primer on Liability, Risk Management, and Asset Protection for Physicians.”
That evening, FMDA hosted a Town Meeting with the support of AstraZeneca.
2003 December
FMDA held a Town Meeting and Holiday Party on December 5, 2003 at Ruth's Chris Steak House in West Palm Beach. This event was made possible by a generous grant form Forest Laboratories.
Click here to view a slideshow from the Town Meeting.
2003 January
FMDA Town Meeting Held in Coral Gables
In January 2003, physicians and nurse practitioners in long-term care attended FMDA’s Town Meeting at Ruth’s Chris Steak House in Coral Gables. The Executive Board of FMDA was present along with its executive director and special guest Kelley Rice-Schild, president of the Florida Health Care Association.
The benefits of FMDA membership was discussed and an interesting presenting on asset protection was provided by Scott Wells, a certified financial planner with SingerXenos.
FMDA thanks David Milani with Pfizer for financial support of this Town Meeting.
2002 June
FMDA’s Town Meeting: June 28, 2002 in Tampa, FL
2002 January
FMDA’s Town Meeting Hosts 55 in Jacksonville
FMDA would like to thank Bob Shew and Matt Ward from Eli Lilly & Company for their support of its January 11, 2002, Town Meeting in Jacksonville, Fla.
2001 July
FMDA Town Meeting Held in Fort Lauderdale
In July, more than 40 physicians and nurse practitioners attended FMDA’s Town Meeting at Ruth’s Chris Steak House in Fort Lauderdale. The entire executive Board of FMDA was present along with its executive director. Association membership was discussed as was information about the annual conference. In the future, the Board hopes to be able to offer more local programs for members around the state. FMDA thanks both Pfizer and Universal Health Management for their financial support of this Town Meeting.

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The only organization in the state of Florida devoted to inter-professional practitioners in all specialties practicing in skilled nursing units through subacute, hospice, home care, traditional long-term care, and hospital-based care.
Library of Sepsis-Related Resources
We created a library of Sepsis-Related Resources ranging from published journal articles and reports, PowerPoint presentations, sepsis tools, and Sepsis Summit PowerPoint Presentations.
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